Apr 21, 2011

To Market, To Market

My brother and his family arrived on Wednesday and we have been enjoying the blissful routine of late morning walks to the market. Afternoons are for napping, homework, and knitting, and then another walk about town or to a park before dinner. To say this mom is happy to have family around after so much alone time would be an understatement. Maggie is simply joyful with her three cousins, and I am enjoying more free time to knit or cook or get things done around the house. Not to mention the wonderful company of Heather and Ben. The truth is we have been eating about six or seven baguettes a day between us, and generous heaps of salted butter on top of that.

Ben, Heather, and especially Katherine have been doing such a great job posting on their family blog that I hardly have a thing to add--http://podollfamily.blogspot.com/

But here are few pictures from yesterday's market adventures:

and pre-bedtime dancing of course

1 comment:

  1. Will you bring home the sign/picture that says" you are not an artist"?

